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Read Just One Night, Part 2: Exposed

Just One Night, Part 2: Exposed

Online Book

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Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Just One Night, Part 2: Exposed - Plot & Excerpts

Every one of Asha’s comments and questions were completely appropriate. Her composure was perfection. Mine, not so much. I knocked over a bottle of water on my files, I tripped up on my words, I had to ask Taci to repeat her proposal for Maned Wolf’s international repositioning twice.
    The problem was not what Asha knew. The problem was that Asha didn’t lie. She treasured the viciousness of complete honesty. She used truth as a weapon every bit as much as I used lies as a shield. That meant that if anyone ever asked Asha the wrong question . . .
    Even now as I sit in my office, alone among a pile of paperwork, the thought makes me shudder. When did I become the fly in the web? But no, that’s wrong. The fly is an innocent. I am not.
    Most of my coworkers have already gone home. Barbara left ages ago, but I’m still here, as is often the case. This office was once my sanctuary and I hope that in my solitude I can find a way to recapture that feeling.

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