Are you sure?” Dani didn’t want to believe what Jake had discovered. She’d come across a few dirty cops in her years with the D.A.’s office, but they were the exception. Most of the men and women who wore blue were honest, hardworking and dedicated to the job. To have a police officer, perhaps even one she had worked with, directly try to sabotage her made her feel sick inside. It brought the whole thing of corruption right to her own front door. “Monroe is checking out Washington’s financial records, but, yeah, we’re pretty sure. He and Brooks went to school together, even played on the football team at the same time. Brooks had motive, means and, with Washington in his pocket, the opportunity.” Sal had been silent up until then. “You think I should have a talk with this Brooks fellow, Preacher?” Despite her heartsickness, Dani smiled. Sal, the Gentle Giant, had been at her side every minute of the day.
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