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Read Killer's Prey

Killer's Prey

Online Book

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Killer's Prey - Plot & Excerpts

Vestiges of the nightmare clung, horrific, terrifying. All the elements were there, from running and being unable to escape her pursuer. Except this time her pursuer had a face.
    She reached around desperately for the switch and turned on the bedside lamp. At once the room evolved into familiar territory, wood beams overhead, papered walls surrounding her and a window covered by heavy drawn curtains. A cheerful room, warm in the bath of lamplight.
    God, she had thought she was done with the nightmares. At least it had been weeks since the last one. Her daytime fears were enough, she didn’t need them while sleeping, too.
    It must be because that man had escaped. He was once again a threat. Even rest would be denied to her now.
    Still shivering, she climbed out of bed, jammed her feet into warm moccasins and wrapped a fleece robe tightly over her flannel nightgown. She crept across the wood floor and pulled the curtain back just enough to give her a slit to peer through.

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