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Read Holiday Heroes: A Soldier For All Seasons/Christmas At His Command (2007)

Holiday Heroes: A Soldier for All Seasons/Christmas at His Command (2007)

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0373275579 (ISBN13: 9780373275571)
harlequin books

Holiday Heroes: A Soldier For All Seasons/Christmas At His Command (2007) - Plot & Excerpts

U.S. Marine Jon Erikson needed to find peace this holiday season. But attraction sparked when he met park ranger Melinda Hawthorne--a woman also haunted by secrets. Venturing into a perilous wilderness would test their survival skills and growing desire....Keeping Senator Ginger Landis safe was General Hank Renshaw's top priority. He wouldn't let anything put her at risk--including his growing feelings for her. Danger threw them intimately together, taking them to a passionate point of no return.

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