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Rachel Lee books

Rachel Lee
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Read Books by Rachel Lee


Soldier's Christmas (2006)

"I'll Be Home" by "USA TODAY" bestselling author Rachel Lee Seth Hardin is devoted to his career as a Navy SEAL, but his ex couldn't handle the pressures of being a military wife. Now he's resigned to spending the holidays alone... until he gets snowed in with Maria Hoskins and finds there are fa...

Soldier's Christmas (2006) by Rachel Lee

Before I Sleep (1999)

Carey Justice is doing her call-in radio show when she learns that the governor has signed a death warrant for John Otis, a man she helped convict as an assistant prosecutor five years earlier. Convinced of his innocence, she attempts to save him before it's too late. Her ex-lover, the cop who ar...

Before I Sleep (1999) by Rachel Lee

Holiday Heroes: A Soldier for All Seasons/Christmas at His Command (2007)

U.S. Marine Jon Erikson needed to find peace this holiday season. But attraction sparked when he met park ranger Melinda Hawthorne--a woman also haunted by secrets. Venturing into a perilous wilderness would test their survival skills and growing desire....Keeping Senator Ginger Landis safe was G...

Holiday Heroes: A Soldier for All Seasons/Christmas at His Command (2007) by Rachel Lee

July Thunder (2002)

The death of his wife and estrangement from his father has left Deputy Sheriff Sam Canfield a shell of his former self. Schoolteacher Mary McKinney knows about the pain that haunts Sam--the death of her young son devastated her. They each begin to heal and help rebuild each others' spirit. As a w...

July Thunder (2002) by Rachel Lee

The Widow's Protector (2012)

Disgusted, Ben spent the night in a town miles away from Conard City where he could at least stretch out on a bed. He found some businesses still open and bought an ugly brown dye for his sun-streaked hair, something that claimed he could do it himself at a sink. He also picked up some clothes th...

The Widow's Protector (2012) by Rachel Lee

Conard County Witness (2015)

Jess said. “I don’t want you out of my sight, but you can use another computer. Sitting here just watching me has to be a yawner.”     Far from it, Lacy thought. Staring at Jess was an enjoyable pastime, but it probably was making him feel awkward. So she summoned a smile, mov...

Conard County Witness (2015) by Rachel Lee

Conard County Marine

She found Glenda looking exhausted from a long night, and Coop, as usual, making breakfast. This morning home fries perfumed the air along with bacon. “Don’t tell me how bad this food is for me,” Glenda said by way of greeting. “Another night like last night and I may look for a new job. How are ...

Conard County Marine by Rachel Lee

Undercover Hunter

Snow berms lined the streets from the plows, and lawns lay beneath an icy blanket of white. Holiday decorations, unlit now, hung from the light poles, awaiting the people who would remember to take them down.     “Do you know where this house is?” she asked.    ...

Undercover Hunter by Rachel Lee

Killer's Prey

Vestiges of the nightmare clung, horrific, terrifying. All the elements were there, from running and being unable to escape her pursuer. Except this time her pursuer had a face.     She reached around desperately for the switch and turned on the bedside lamp. At once the room ...

Killer's Prey by Rachel Lee

Deadly Hunter (2013)

It covered a much larger area, making it more difficult to focus in on the small area they’d be searching. Jerrod, Allison noticed, didn’t seem to have any trouble making sense of it, though. It was as if he had reading maps in his blood. More of his training and experience, she supposed.  &...

Deadly Hunter (2013) by Rachel Lee

Rocky Mountain Lawman

Craig patrolled but didn’t find anything untoward. She went out and painted and no one bothered her. She wandered in the woods sometimes, enjoying the way light and shadow danced beneath the trees. She even found an absolutely perfect ravine, narrow and deep, full of large boulders, some of them ...

Rocky Mountain Lawman by Rachel Lee


I remember you but you don’t remember me.     Exactly, she thought, the kind of joke she would expect one of her friends to play. They believed she was entirely too busy keeping up with the sewing shop she had taken over from her grandmother and thought she needed to shake up ...


A Secret in Conard County (2015)

In theory, since the bomber didn’t know exactly where Erin was, they had maybe another day. In theory.     Erin still needed to call Fran, and it was amazing how reluctant she was to pull out her cell phone and do just that. She wasn’t typically one to avoid things that were p...

A Secret in Conard County (2015) by Rachel Lee

Nighthawk & The Return of Luke McGuire

He’d already gone up to the bulletin board and read the notice, so he knew today was one of the days his mother was giving her fire-and-brimstone sermon. He walked toward the small meeting room. It only held about fifty people, and if he remembered right, there were windows on either side of the ...

Nighthawk & The Return of Luke McGuire by Rachel Lee

What She Saw

He couldn’t blame her for her response. It did sound like something out of as movie, and something for which he was willing to bet life in this town hadn’t prepared her.     On the other hand, his life experience had taught him to be suspicious by nature. If things didn’t fit,...

What She Saw by Rachel Lee

Rancher's Deadly Risk

she asked, looking toward one of the towering light posts where she was sure she saw a few flakes fluttering down.“It is,” he confirmed. “Just a light flurry, hardly anything at all. It won’t stick.”“This is so cool!” she said, forgetting her upset. “I wish we’d get a lot.”A chuckle escaped him a...

Rancher's Deadly Risk by Rachel Lee

The Widow of Conard County (2013)

The paint Sharon had chosen was on back order. Everything, Sharon thought, seemed to be on hold. Liam seemed to have withdrawn in some way, probably because she had kissed him, and she couldn’t exactly blame him. She wanted him, yes, but this was getting a bit heavy for both of them.   ...

The Widow of Conard County (2013) by Rachel Lee

A Soldier's Redemption (2010)

For a long time he just held her, but finally he spoke. “We have to talk about how to deal with this.” “What can we possibly do? “Well, I’ll have to think about that some, but we’ve still got to talk. We have to sort through your options and my options, and see what we can come up with. There’s a...

A Soldier's Redemption (2010) by Rachel Lee

Last Breath (2008)

The breeze seemed to hold its breath, and even the endless racket of tree frogs and bugs fell silent.But of course, nothing hushed. The hush was internal, as she absorbed what Brendan had just told her. Finally, out of disbelief as much as anything, she asked, “How was it your fault?”He sighed an...

Last Breath (2008) by Rachel Lee

Conard County Spy (2016)

Remembering the woman he had first met, he felt just awful. Right now her shoulders seemed a little slumped and she was so silent it didn’t feel right. Not that she constantly chattered, but rarely was she this still, as if she’d crossed a bridge too far tonight.     It was al...

Conard County Spy (2016) by Rachel Lee

Guardian in Disguise (2012)

Max McKenny had indeed graduated from the University of Michigan and Stetson College of Law, both with high honors. Beyond that, she hadn’t found a thing, even when she searched Michigan newspapers for his name, thinking he might have been on a case that had gotten some publicity. But responding ...

Guardian in Disguise (2012) by Rachel Lee

Reuniting With the Rancher

Martha’s clothes needed to be donated, but beyond that she found decisions remarkably hard. She did find a small stack of bills in Martha’s desk, unopened, so she pulled out her new checkbook and paid them. She supposed she needed to have the utilities and so on put in her name. She wondered if s...

Reuniting With the Rancher by Rachel Lee

An Unlikely Daddy (2016)

Maybe she’d been too quick to take such a long sabbatical. No, she couldn’t have handled teaching in the fall, but now that months had passed, she itched at times to have a schedule, to have things that needed doing. A point, a purpose, beyond wallowing in grief and taking care of her health and ...

An Unlikely Daddy (2016) by Rachel Lee

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