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Read Kiss Of Venom (2013)

Kiss of Venom (2013)

Online Book

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1476754411 (ISBN13: 9781476754413)
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Kiss Of Venom (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

Review of Kiss of Venom I have wanted a peek in Owen’s mind for quite sometime, so of course when I found out about the novella I had to get it. I am not sure what I expected but it was not this. I never saw Owen as a pouter or a man who did not go after what he wants even if he screwed up. Instead he sits across a bar brooding and pondering – really beating a dead horse and never once does he step up to the plate and open his mouth. Made him a bit of a coward which sucks. The ending helped a little it was bittersweet I guess.  Something for me just did not click really well – feels like a different character. Looking forward to getting that guy back in the next book! First, do not read this if you are not a fan of the series. It is spoiler filled. It requires that the reader understand existing relationships. It starts off with the expectation that the reader already loves Owen.Second, I went into this already in love with Owen. He hasn't been a completely drawn character in the series because he is a side character. In this short story the reader gets Owen's perspective. Owen is such a sensitive guy!Finally, this story does not resolve anything in the series. I don't think it needs to because it is a snapshot in time.The story is about Owen trying to protect Gin, his former girlfriend. There are great scenes between Owen and his best friend Phillip. This story was very satisfying and a great way to get ready to read the next book in the series!My one complaint is repetition. I wish that the repeated pity party of Owen feeling like he hurt his friends and family because of his stupidity had been cut down drastically. I totally got it after the first couple iterations.Quotes:I stood in the stall and stared at the door in front of me. Maybe it was the way the light glinted off the metal, but suddenly, I was thinking back to another place, another time. loc 24%purchased copy from Amazon

What do You think about Kiss Of Venom (2013)?

Awwwwn, I love Owen! His POV is just as funny as Gin's :)

I still dislike Owen. But I no longer wish him dead.

way to go Owen!

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