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Read La Distance Astronomique Entre Toi Et Moi (2014)

La distance astronomique entre toi et moi (2014)

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2012044549 (ISBN13: 9782012044548)
Hachette romans

La Distance Astronomique Entre Toi Et Moi (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Actually Good.More of a tour around London, Edinburgh, New York City and the United States of America and Europe.Touches Culture differences, personal attachment to "homes" [wherever they may be in the globe] and most of all, the undeniably spark of attraction between Owen and Lucy.It's entertaining, and amusing. It makes me wish that a certain spark of attraction that stretched for miless will be possible for everyone in the world. I am grateful for the opportunity to receive this netgalley book. Thanks for letting me read it for an honest review. I gave this book 4 stars because it was lovely. It's about Lucy and Owen, two teens from very different circumstances. Lucy has both parents, private schools, anything her heart desires, which includes reading. She lives in NYC, and gets stuck in the elevator with Owen. Owen is the supers's son and lives in the basement of the same apartment building as her. He just moved to NYC with his depressed father after the death of his mother. They don't interact much, in fact it's just for less than a day as they come together during the power outage but they leave lasting impressions on each other. They become fascinated with postcards as a joke but as they go their separate ways, it becomes the way they communicate across the distance. Even as they move on with new homes and people, they always have each other in their minds.The writing was filled with beautiful moments. I was constantly highlighting my favorite parts. She really made their connection 3 dimensional and not so flat with words. I always worry, as a mother, when I read books with absents parents how clean the writing will be. I was very surprised how well this story was written, the pace was steady and it ended the way I wanted! Without inappropriate teenage angst and sexual fluff! Thank you, Jennifer E. Smith, for an enchanting hopeful love story that I would recommend to all readers.

What do You think about La Distance Astronomique Entre Toi Et Moi (2014)?

Lucy is a bit of a loner in New York City; her brothers have moved away and her parents are always flying off to Europe. Owen just moved to New York with his father, who is now the superintendent of Lucy's building. One day, Lucy and Owen find themselves stuck in the elevator of their building when the power goes out across the city. They are freed hours later, but with the city still blacked out, they explore the city in one magical night. Soon Lucy goes to Edinburgh to be with her parents, while Owen and his dad move west. Lucy sends Owen emails that he often cannot answer, and he sends her postcards.After reading Eleanor and Park, and Fault in our Stars, I wanted something more like those: teen romance that works and doesn't seem too impossible. This was it.

"The Geography of You and Me" By Jennifer E. Smith stars off with Lucy Patterson, alongside with Owen Buckley, getting stuck in an elevator during a blackout in New York and the east coast. Lucy and Owen never really met each other, but they seemed to click when they started talking. After they get out of the elevator and when the power is back up, they both got some big news. Lucy was moving to the U.K with her parents and Owen is going to travel around America with his dad in hopes of finding a job for him. When they are half way around the world from each other, they lose touch and hope they can see each other a few more times. I recommend this book to anyone who read "The Fault in our Stars".

3.5/5Very sweet, but not that special.

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