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Jennifer E. Smith books

Jennifer E. Smith
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Books: 12 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.82

Read Books by Jennifer E. Smith


The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight (2012)

3/5 stars. Pretty good. I just have to say that although I've read/watched similar stories (like Serendipity for example)I still found this book engrossing. Maybe it's just the inner teenage mushiness inside that made me devour the book in 2 hours but I have to say that for a story in a time fram...

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight (2012) by Jennifer E. Smith

This is What Happy Looks Like (2013)

A) I was completely invested in Ellie and Graham's relationship: I honestly thought at the beginning when they first met that they would have been a whole lot better as platonic friends, but I slowly warmed up to the idea of them dating as well, especially after a certain chapter where they both ...

This is What Happy Looks Like (2013) by Jennifer E. Smith

The Geography of You and Me (2014)

I swear there was some magic sprinkled onto this book. Either that or I accidentally overdosed on Aspirin. The entire book kept me floating on a wave of time and I loved it. It was simple- no angst, steamy sex, paranormal super powers- and it was so innocent it felt a bit like a fairy tale. Excep...

The Geography of You and Me (2014) by Jennifer E. Smith

La probabilidad estadística del amor a primera vista (2012)

lovely short book that was cute and a quick read. perfect for Christmas break lovely short book that was cute and a quick read. perfect for Christmas break

La probabilidad estadística del amor a primera vista (2012) by Jennifer E. Smith

La felicidad debe de ser algo así (2014)

Well. What to say. Well for one, I loved the concept of the story, the twists, the romance, and the cuteness. At parts, I did feel it was a bit too cheesy or too good to be true. But all in all, this book is a solid four star book. It's a nice contemporary read and especially after the Mara Dyer ...

La felicidad debe de ser algo así (2014) by Jennifer E. Smith

Der Geschmack von Glück (2013)

Cute book! Kind of like You've Got Mail This is What Happy Looks Like is a book I will reread a hundred times!

Der Geschmack von Glück (2013) by Jennifer E. Smith

The Geography of Us (2014)

I was thoroughly entranced by the author's first book, The Comeback Season, when I read it seven years ago. I had high hopes for this one after reading This Is What Happy Looks Like last year. I am pleased to report that I wasn't at all disappointed by this book. In fact, I read it in one afterno...

The Geography of Us (2014) by Jennifer E. Smith

Duizend kilometer tussen jou en mij (2014)

The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E. Smith is about a girl named Lucy and a boy named Owen. They both live in New York, and they meet each other when the city has a huge blackout which leads them being stuck in an elevator. After that incident, they decide to stay in touch because they both...

Duizend kilometer tussen jou en mij (2014) by Jennifer E. Smith

La distance astronomique entre toi et moi (2014)

Actually Good.More of a tour around London, Edinburgh, New York City and the United States of America and Europe.Touches Culture differences, personal attachment to "homes" [wherever they may be in the globe] and most of all, the undeniably spark of attraction between Owen and Lucy.It's entertain...

La distance astronomique entre toi et moi (2014) by Jennifer E. Smith

The Storm Makers (2012)

This fantasy possible WAW nominee is a borderline yes for me. It was ok and I really enjoyed the illustrations, but the story was a bit hard to swallow! It's about twins Ruby and Sam who find out they are storm makers and part of a national society that has been taken over by a hothead who want...

The Storm Makers (2012) by Jennifer E. Smith

You Are Here

Peter swung the car lazily onto an exit for the city, and Emma resisted the urge to remind him of her sister’s address; he seemed so pleased at the challenge of finding it on his own, apparently reluctant to refer to the needlessly large pile of maps in the back.The sun was low in the sky ahead, ...

You Are Here by Jennifer E. Smith

Happy Again

But with the departure of the film’s two stars, the red carpet was now mostly filled with publicists and producers and assistants.“I wish we’d gotten a selfie,” Kara said, spinning around.“Or at least something better than this,” Sprague said, thrusting her phone at them. Ellie leaned close to se...

Happy Again by Jennifer E. Smith

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