I’m not supposed to be afraid.’ The Caesar’s Palace crash resulted in the worst injuries of Evel Knievel’s career. He landed so hard that his left hip was forced up into the pelvis, leaving both structures comprehensively smashed. He also broke his nose, sustained several broken ribs, smashed out several teeth and fractured his jaw. But the immediate and most serious concern was for the head injuries which left Knievel in a coma. His head had taken repeated blows as he was thrown viciously along the Tarmac, and even though crash-helmet technology in 1967 was extremely basic by today’s standards, Knievel’s Bell Magnum helmet had at least saved his life. In acknowledgement of the fact, he has kept it to this day. Evel lay unconscious for day after day and week after week with his devoted wife Linda at his bedside, wondering if her husband would ever wake up and, if he did, would he be brain-damaged? Would he be able to walk again? She knew better than anyone that a man as active and daring as her husband would never tolerate being confined to a wheelchair and would never be able to accept being dependent on others.
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