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Read Lifting Tail For The Alpha (Romance On The Go) (2013)

Lifting Tail for the Alpha (Romance on the Go) (2013)

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Evernight Publishing

Lifting Tail For The Alpha (Romance On The Go) (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

...well...I think you're mixing metaphors here. "Fucking the shit out of-" Oookay you lost me and now I'm slightly disgusted. I mean, okay, let's be fair, NMK, maybe it's yours?It's realize with guys, you fuck the hole the shit comes out of? Is the shit coming out as you're fucking? Also, "beating the shit out of you" is the more common idiom, and I couldn't help but think he maybe meant that whilst saying "fuck," which, of course, leads to some decidedly nonsexy thoughts. See, that only works if your name is Gabriel and his name is Rase Ilion, but alas, they are not, and so this, decidedly, does not work.And of course, this was before I realized how short it was. The story is basically "Oh there's a proble- Oh, nope. Never mind, I must have read the situation wrong. No, no, I assure you, there is indeed no problem. ...what was the hullabaloo about, then, you say? So sorry, won't happen again. No, of course not. There was a perfectly valid rea-- Of course there was. What was it? Well, I'm very sorry to have troubled you, it won't happen a-- They're not excuses; there's no problem, really."And honestly, I could go on and on, but then my review would be longer than the story was.I mean, it sounded like it had a cool concept. It's just, you know, the concept didn't go anywhere. It kind of started leading you somewhere, or so it led you to believe, but then it summarily abandoned you on the wayside in the middle of nowhere with flat plains for miles and miles around until the landscape disappears over the horizon. No, excuse me. There's not nothing. There's an aborted attempt at building a fence. No idea why anyone would need a fence here, but clearly someone at some point decided there ought to be a fence, and now we have the beautiful rather run-down segments maybe a few yards long. Oh, and I do believe that's a tree there in the distance. And oooh how exciting, a pothole. A small one, mind you, and a bit more off in the shoulder - what on earth is it doing there, of all places - but a pothole nonetheless.Well, that's quite enough excitement for today. Better stop before I implode from sheer stimulation.[*shrug Idk YMMV. You might think this was the best thing since sliced bread. I didn't really hate it all that much. I just didn't particularly like it, either, and really, it seemed a rather waste of time.](after reading a few reviews)I'm sorry, there was knotting? How on earth did I miss that? And mild spanking? When did that happen? It must have been after I lost interest after that one character started off by saying "I'm going to fuck the shit out of you."Ah, well, then. No wonder I missed it, seeing as it was all sex and I'd lost interest in trying to read the sex after that first *heaves into bucket* (sotto voce: you know). Oh, and there was another one. I guess they think it's sexy.Hey, whatever, man. YKNMK. Very NMK. Actually, he mentions it twice, and brings it up from the get-go. Is it safe to assume it's a fetish, then? No, now that's me being excessively snarky. Now I'm just being mean. I'll just leave it at YKNMK. Really, really NMK. 3.75 stars. Here’s an example of a story that should have been longer to address the issues coming up, like realizing one was gay, coming out, and social status changes. As is, this story, which only covers the events of a single night, feels unfinished and lacking in all-around depth. Here all problems are basically solved through phenomenal sex, and that just doesn’t cut it with the increase in quality M/M stories out there.A night at a frat house puts Arsen, the wolf, and Xav, the bobcat, in close proximity. As they do, the two guys realize they’re mates and belong together and start to have sex—even though Xav is a virgin and Arsen is straight, with a girlfriend at the party. Okay, not much of a girlfriend, but still. One hot night, and everything’s solved. Miraculous.The writing is good, compelling and erotic. Xav had more depth as a character than Arsen who felt a bit stereotypical, unfortunately. That being said, their night of unabashed gay sex was hot. Still, I would have expected them to talk a bit more, settle things in way sex doesn’t do. And while I admit the council scene at the end was positive and uplifting, it wasn’t the closure I was looking forward to, the one where these not-quite-friends learn more about each other and form a relationship on a foundation that isn’t all about sex. Then again… this is an erotic quickie, so those things weren’t required. And, as I’ve said before, the night of pleasure was smoking!So, all in all, a bit lacking in depth, but a good erotic quickie, one I’m sure many will thoroughly enjoy.

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Good shifter book

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