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Read Line Of Control (2001)

Line of Control (2001)

Online Book

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0425180050 (ISBN13: 9780425180051)

Line Of Control (2001) - Plot & Excerpts

Entre l'Inde et le Pakistan, 700 kilomètres d'une frontière sous très haute tension : la " ligne de contrôle ". Ici, une étincelle peut déclencher une guerre. Au moment où les Attaquants, l'unité spéciale de l'Op-Center, lancent sur place une mission secrète de reconnaissance, un attentat est commis contre des cibles indiennes. Armée, services secrets, agents troubles et terroristes... qui manipule qui ? Un conflit nucléaire se profile. Le seul moyen de l'éviter : retrouver un groupuscule pakistanais, bouc émissaire trop commode. Pour les Attaquants, débute alors une course poursuite infernale dans les montagnes du Cachemire, sur un terrain hostile où l'on ne peut se fier ni aux hommes ni à la nature.

solid history on this one, maybe a little exagerated on the nuclear war. Also the annihilation of the Striker team was too other books this team was something almost made of uber-humans and now they are shot out of the sky like ducks?. it was made to shift the Op Center books to more politican than action thriller for the following books. i think

What do You think about Line Of Control (2001)?

India and Pakistan are on the brink of nuclear war after a terrorist attack on an Indian town square. Striker, the military arm of Op-Center, needs to prove that an Islamic terrorist is stirring up a rebellion against the Indian government and not Pakistan. When the border between India and Pakistan erupts, the Striker team gets caught in the crossfire and has to escape with proof against the Islamic cleric across the Himalayas. Their fate rests in the hands of double agent Ron Friday whose own agenda is unknown. At the end Rodgers gets word to the Indian Army chasing him and leaves a Pakistani Nuclear Silo with the Indians as Pakistan destructs the site killing Friday.

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