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Read Little Audrey (2008)

Little Audrey (2008)

Online Book

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0374345805 (ISBN13: 9780374345808)
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)

Little Audrey (2008) - Plot & Excerpts

Nice quick read. Sad story but so true of so many families. Mine included. Not coal mining, but my grandmother had to raise her 5 children on her own after her husband passed away in the war. These women were so much stronger than most of the women you see today. It was such a different time for women. Hopefully, this little girl saw what her mother went through and grew up to be a strong independent woman too. I'm going to pass this book on to others and read it myself a couple more times.The ending made me tear up a little. Life was difficult in 1948 for the White family. Living in Southwestern Virginia in a coal mining town, Audrey is the oldest of four girls. The house is a shack. The food is sparse and the family is dirt poor. This story is the real life tale of the author. She chose to give voice to the story through her eldest sister, and the book is written from her perspective.Scrawny from lack of food and illness, Audrey looks at the world through eyes that need large glasses and her awkwardness defines her as a crumbly, skinny, nail biting girl who longs for security. She asks for little of life. She simply would like things to be better, for the family to have food and decent housing, and for a mother who is not depressed and a father who is not alcoholic.This book is depressing. It is 145 pages of raw sadness.It is well written and I recommended it. Read it though on a sunny day, sit in your chair surrounded by warmth and give thanks for the blessings you have in the realization that many do not have even the basic necessities.

What do You think about Little Audrey (2008)?

Good historical fiction. Strong male and female characters. Strong mother figure. Good read. Steph

i enjoyed this book, although it made me a bit sad.

I got this becuase this is the book is the best

Another powerful little book.

A great memoir for kids.

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