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Read You'll Like It Here (Everybody Does) (2011)

You'll Like It Here (Everybody Does) (2011)

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0385739982 (ISBN13: 9780385739986)
Delacorte Books for Young Readers

You'll Like It Here (Everybody Does) (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

It was in the Teen section, but it is really appropriate for tweens or even younger. It is a dystopian story told from the viewpoint of aliens trying to integrate into American society. It is a very quick read and repeats most of the basic themes of many dystopian novels, but at a 11 or 12 year old's level. It would be good for a kid who wants to branch out into sci-fi but doesn't like scary stuff. Girl protagonist who is likable, I think I'll see if dd wants to read it. David and Meggie Blue may look just like you and me, but there is one significant difference. They are from the planet Chroma and have a spaceship readily available to transport them across galaxies that they call the Carriage. David and Meggie, along with their mom and grandfather have settled in North Carolina and are happy living there. Soon, however, gossip builds that there are aliens in town and it is discovered that the Blue's may in fact, be those aliens. With no other choice the family enters the Carriage and quickly escapes a mad mob. They arrive on a planet, well Earth, but it is in another time dimension. They find themselves in Fashion City. At first Fashion City seems like it will be a great fit for the Blues. They are given an apartment, food, jobs, schooling, clothing, everything one needs to survive. All, thanks to the Fathers. Layer by layer White reveals that the Blues are not at all in a place like the one that they left. Every night their is lockdown at 8:30. Every day the adults must go work in the factories. Every. Day. There are Lotus pills that promise to ease all your troubles. In fact, every one pops Lotus pills just like they are candy. Mom and Gramps soon decide that Fashion City is not the place for them and make plans to escape. However, after it is discovered that Gramps is actually 65, he is forcibly taken away to "Vacation 65," where he will be euthanized after three days along with everyone else who is taken. The only hope for the Blues and the upstairs neighbors, The Gilmores, is to find the coordinates for Vacation 65 and use the Carriage for an escape.This novel is a great substitute for students who may not be mature enough to hand the violence of The Hunger Games trilogy.Literary Quality: White switches narration back and forth between David and Meggie. This helps to round out both of the main characters. The author also does a good job of revealing the lack of freedoms in Fashion City a little at a time so that students will be able to see the injustice of it all. There is a good cast of supporting characters. The plot takes a while to take off, but when it does the reader will want to read to the very end. The climax of the book is so engaging that you just want to shout at the characters, "GET OUT OF THERE!"Originality of Text/Illustration: The inclusion of aliens in a dystopian society who have a space ship that they can use to escape is great. Due to the boundaries of time being blurred people like Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr, Chief Seattle, Elvis, L. Frank Baum and others either appear in the book or are leaders in "The Western Province." These traits enable White to create a book that goes from dystopian to utopian. Great original text. No illustrations were included in my edition (Audio Book)Design/Format: The book is layed out well. I liked the different narrators. I also like how White carefully draws the reader in by showing the fanatical elements.Organization/Accuracy: Due to its fantasy/science-fiction nature this book does not require accuracy. The book is organized well.Subject Matter Interest to Children: Due to the main characters being children and having many of the same commonalities as children this book will appeal to them. It will also appeal to children because of the current trends in KidLit that bend toward dystopian fiction.Acceptance By Children: Children will be able to accept the fanatical elements of this books because they are carefully revealed and make sense within the text of the story.BOTTOM LINE: This would be a great book for kids since it introduce science fiction and dystopian elements. The characters are believable and leave the reader wanting to fight for them and the injustices of Fashion City.

What do You think about You'll Like It Here (Everybody Does) (2011)?

I loved it! I was so upset that Laura Ingalls died before she could write her 1 book! heartbreaking!

Very different from White's other books. Would make a great book discussion title for grades 5-7.

great Sci Fi book. Will use it for book club.

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