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Read Weeping Willow (1994)

Weeping Willow (1994)

Online Book

4.27 of 5 Votes: 2
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0374482802 (ISBN13: 9780374482800)
farrar, straus and giroux (byr)

Weeping Willow (1994) - Plot & Excerpts

I listened to this on CD by a wonderful narrator and I think that added to my enjoyment. This is a sweet and painful story of a young West Virginia girl's experience through her high school years--living with her mother, stepfather and 3 half siblings in a "holler" in mining country. Now that doesn't sound interesting, but she is such a true character--and was growing up at the same time as I was--that I really felt for her. Her father was not around (he left when he found out his girlfriend was pregnant)and so she created an imaginary friend who helps her through her family difficulties and those of making friends. That still doesn't sound interesting--but I loved it! Any book that can make me laugh or cry out loud is worth reading.

I was in the 6th grade when I first got my paws on this book. Mind you that was back in 1996. Still to this day I remember every detail of this book because I would read it over and over. By far one of my favorite books even. Very well written and even though it is a completely different style of living from my childhood/teenage years I connected with the main character and was aware of so many things that could happen that did happen to her. This is one book I will be putting in my daughters hands when she is old enough to read it.

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