Madison Hughes quickly tuned the radio to a new station. Love songs suck. “And I will always love you…” Why are all the stations playing this hokey crap? She switched it again. “All by myself. Don’t wanna live…” Much better. Although…living on her own wasn't so bad. She could do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. She sang along as she mixed up the cupcakes she had promised to bake for her niece. Kayla needed them for her preschool’s Valentine’s Day party. It was the least Madison could do since her brother had taken on the role of single parent. Jake couldn’t bake worth a darn and was only slightly better at cooking meals, but he really was the best father to Kayla. She popped the cupcakes in the oven and set the timer. Here she was feeling sorry for herself when Jake would be spending his first Valentine’s without his wife, Maria. Some sister she was. While she had all her baking stuff out, she decided to make his favourite cake. She would take it over to him when she dropped Kayla off.