Quite the opposite, she knew there were times when she tended to talk way too much and say things that would be considered, by those observing the rules of polite etiquette, as “forward.” Tonight proved the exception to that rule. Tonight, with these men, she didn’t want to talk at all. She wanted only to kiss and caress, to stroke and grasp and love. They used their hands to cup water and drizzle it over her, and then used those same hands to massage and relax every muscle in her body. It was a hell of a good thing the brothers Jessop seemed to like to carry her around like a little doll, because right then she didn’t think she could walk if her life depended upon it. Andrew lifted her out of the water and sat with her on his lap on the bench. The heated towel he wrapped around her felt decadent on her flesh, and she shamelessly soaked up the pampering treatment they offered her as if it had always been her due.