What did I tell you would happen?” Gin’s perky voice startled Anne from a dead sleep the next morning. Anne grumbled and rolled over. “Christ, Gin. How are you so energetic this freaking early?” She pulled a pillow over her head. The petite blonde flopped onto the bed next to her. “Chase asked me to check on you at lunch.” “It’s already lunch?” Her brain boggled at the thought. Anne had never slept that long ever. “No, I came early. It’s eleven. But I figured you’d need a long soak in the Jacuzzi and maybe some pizza and Rosa Regale.” Gin waved the bottle at her. “It’s all my treat. As long as you spill. About everything. Get moving though. Seth and I are going to a thing for dinner.” “A date?” Anne asked with a nudge. “Most certainly not. It’s a dinner theater thing Justin’s girlfriend is in. He wants to drag Seth, but neither of them want the implications of two men sitting through dinner theater together. Alone.” Gin snorted back a giggle.