Master Winn stated, as they all huddled together in the cramped studio, looking at a map of the United States. The map had a route highlighted that zigzagged across the southern part of the nation before veering north towards New York. “What about at night?” Chris asked, as they looked at highway routes. “Doesn’t matter.” Yaw answered. “The eyes in the sky can see twenty-four-seven.” “Correct.” Winn added. “What about transpo?” Camila asked. “You’ll have two vehicles. A scout car and a van. Both twenty years old, but clean, registered, and in top condition.” “Why that old?” Chris asked. “No GPS.” Alex answered. “Who are they registered to?” Yaw asked. “It’s best that you don’t know. The owner is aware that they are being used, but does not know by whom or why, other than it is not illegal. Be warned, if you get stopped, he will claim them stolen from storage. Understand, that for everyone’s safety, this must begin and end with you.” “If we get stopped, we’re cooked anyway.”