Jackson would always be a Sentinel first. He would always do what was right by the Mer and what was right by the code of the Sentinel. And being with me wasn’t right on either count. With a sigh, I pushed those depressing thoughts aside and geared up to defend myself against my most imminent threat—Jersey. I watched as she stepped through the door and then, eyeing me angrily, she slammed it behind her. “That was some shower,” she snapped without preamble. “Jersey, I’m so sorry. I swear I didn’t do it on purpose. I swear.” “Yeah, right. You didn’t want to go and that’s fine. But you should’ve just told me. You know I hate to be lied to.” “I know and I wasn’t lying. I have something to tell you.” “I can almost promise you that I don’t want to hear it,” she said dismissively, walking to her bed and throwing her purse on it as she began taking off her various pieces of chunky jewelry. “Even if it involves me being kidnapped from the shower by a Seer?”