It was one thing standing in a room naked and getting whipped by a Dom you’d selected carefully and discussed your limits with. I had control over that. But this? Kneeling on the breakfast counter with my hands behind me and basically chained to the wall while wearing a wet, milk-soaked scrap of a dress? I wanted to sink into the floor. Even more so since I knew having them do what they’d done – stared and treated me like a pet they had to feed, had turned me on so much I was afraid to open my legs. I could feel how slippery I was down there. When Andreas excused himself and wandered off down the hallway to the toilet, I relaxed somewhat. One gone. Maybe now, I’d get freed. I braced myself for the evil I had to do, begging from him… Then I raised my eyebrows, in a hopeful fashion, at Chris. He deadpanned back at me. Shit. Did I have to whine? I was not whining. But I wasn’t game to speak.
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