Working, raising kids and getting them out of the house and off to college, cars that break down, bills to pay, doctors and insurance to worry about, clothes that get grown out of too soon, broken ankles and busted pipes—life, you know what I’m saying, just life. All the things your parents used to worry about are suddenly dropped on you, and you have to deal with them. It makes you realize what an amazing job they did, making it seem like they knew what they were doing when, in fact, they were probably just as lost and confused as you. But you keep going, because, well, that’s what you do, right? And even though you really do still love your wife, what can I say? Inevitably, the passion cools, you’re too busy for sex, or too tired to do anything but cuddle—if that. All those gay people you see on TV now, marching up and down, talking about same-sex marriage? Little do they know that the comedians are right: after about a year or two it turns into a no-sex marriage. I’m positive the inventors of all those porn websites and high-speed Internet access are married.
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