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Read Man Of The Month (Willowdale Romance Novel)

Man of the Month (Willowdale Romance Novel)

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Bell Bridge Books

Man Of The Month (Willowdale Romance Novel) - Plot & Excerpts

“My first date is Friday? This Friday?” She grasped the table to catch her balance.
Brad folded his arms and gave her a smile she wanted to smack right off his face. “It came to me first thing when I woke up this morning. The guy who rents from my brother in Whitesville would be perfect for you. Sam’s Mr. Environment. He rides his bike everywhere. That’s important, now that you’re going green these days.”
She rubbed her temples, but nothing was making this headache go away. “I put in energy saving light bulbs because they were handing out free samples at the hardware store.” She planted a fist on her hip, her silver bracelets clinking. “I’m not exactly green, Brad. But I guess concern about the environment is good. He’s not out saving whales or anything is he? Not that I don’t like whales . . . . What does he do for a living?”
Brad shrugged. “Not sure.”
“Is he good looking?” Say, someone well past six feet, broad shoulders, thick, black hair such as yourself?

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