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Read Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Her Billionaire's Bargain (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Her Billionaire's Bargain (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Kindle Worlds

Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Her Billionaire's Bargain (Kindle Worlds Novella) - Plot & Excerpts

Sitting in the restaurant awaiting her arrival, she was now ten minutes late for their dinner appointment, he allowed his mind to fixate on her face again. Since the day he was in her shop, the hazel-eyed beauty, with dark brown hair had driven him to distractions. Normally, since he was around beautiful and attractive women all the time, those in the corporate industry and those just trying to get into his bed, it took him a while to warm up to a woman.
    That wasn’t the same for Kourtney. No, he wasn’t even attempting to fool himself into thinking that the reason he invited her to dinner was because he wanted to talk business. Yes, he wanted to get her to sign the contract. The project was important to him, but more than that she fascinated him. And honestly turned him on in a way that had not happened so intensely in years.
    The fact he couldn’t figure out what had pushed him to make the offer for dinner. When he’d turned around and seen those large greenish-brown eyes gazing up at him and her full mouth, his heart had stopped beating for a moment, all thoughts from his brain ran south.

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