Messenger Of The Dark Prophet (The Bowl Of Souls: Book Two) - Plot & Excerpts
Pympol and Arcon looked pale, but composed. Piledon visibly shook and looked as if he might be sick. The entire school was in attendance, from the highest wizard to the stableman. All eager to hear the results. Students had broken the rules before and punishments had been quite stringent, but no crime of this magnitude had been committed in recent memory. There had been a lot of talk during the weeks since the tragedy about what the charges would be. Most understood that the incident had been an accident. Murder was most likely the last thing on the minds of the golem’s creators when they built it, so no one expected the three students to actually be charged with the deaths of the six people. However, it was also suspected that for such a powerful creature to be made by three mere students, there must have been some shady work involved. The High Council stood, Headmaster Latva raised his hands and the crowd went silent. The charges were read. They began with several small charges like breaking curfew, then came the severe ones; destruction of school property, endangerment of other students, and illegal use of elven magic.
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