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Read Mid Life Love: At Last (2000)

Mid Life Love: At Last (2000)

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Mid Life Love: At Last (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

A better book than the one before. Syrupy sweet HEA.Claire: inconsistent, stubborn and sometimes ridiculous, bridezillaJonathan: jealous, possessive, loving and can be prone to stupidity apparentlyRyan: ex-husband from hell, still selfish, desperateAmanda: bogged down by guiltClaire's twins: comic relief as before, clever manipulative teens....and still blurts out what they have in mind..LOLClaire's girlfriends: wish i have them too....Hayley: being all mysterious about her new manHayley's new man: surprise! No....not really. So now i have to wait for their book, Twisted Love. And when is that coming out? No idea. Sheeesh!Ok....the first book was smexxxy, sweet (thank you Jonathan Statham) yet annoying....because of Claire. The second book is just as annoying , also because of Claire. She's just that kind of woman. Infuriating. And yet Jonathan loves her. What a fantasy. ( sex before marriage...wth? And then you try to back out of it? Why have that ridiculous rule in the first place if you can't keep it?)So should we all be as annoying, stubborn and ridiculous as Claire so that we keep our man panting and wanting? Hell no. In the real world, no man would devote that much time and energy to entertain the ridiculous demands and neuroses of a woman however much he loves her. But in the book world? Yes, apparently. Cue eye-rolling. What i learned from this book:1) do not give your cheating lying ex-husband and ex-bff the time of day. Do take your time to forgive perhaps one day. 2) cheating ex-husbands asking to get back together again? Noooooooooo.....3) appreciate your current beau. show it. say it. NOT make him more irritated with you. This is a no-brainer. 4) do not make ridiculous demands or ruling under the reason "it would make me happy"'s manipulative and rather inconsiderate to the other parties.5) do not be a bridezilla, it is possible to have a great memorable wedding without making other people around you frustrated and miserable just because you want a wedding of your dreams. 6) start running or exercising so that you'll be a fit and healthy woman even after 40. And with that i will have to wait for the next installation : Twisted Love. I hate it when they leave blurbs and you then have to wait for the book for god know when........ I was thrilled when I found out there was more to Claire and Johnathan's story. However, I was a tad disappointed in this book. I liked book one so much because of Claire, and even though her worries about their age difference got tiresome, I could totally understand. But in this book we don't really see those insecurities, but rather Claire became a bit of a bitch. I felt that it was unnecessary for her character to go in that direction. And her daughters...ugg they drove me nuts. Talk about becoming bitches. there was nothing likable about them in this book. Johnathan acted like a spoiled little child several times and almost loses everything. But I suppose his actions create necessary drama for this book. I still love the concept of this story, but in this case I think I could've just done with the epilog in book one.

What do You think about Mid Life Love: At Last (2000)?

Great conclusion to Jonathan's and Claire's Story.....Here's to Hayley's story xx

Could of been added to book 1, but still a good read.

Loved, loved, loved it!!!!

Loved it!

4.5 stars

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