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Read Midnight Awakening

Midnight Awakening

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Midnight Awakening - Plot & Excerpts

He’d told her that the Minion who attacked her at Irina’s was dead. He’d also informed her that the human mind slave was just one of several in Berlin who’d been given orders by Marek to hunt her down. Elise had accepted the news with her usual calm understanding, but Tegan couldn’t help holding her a bit tighter as she dozed across his lap.
Marek was a treacherous enemy. He’d been a formidable warrior, ruthless in battle, often unnecessarily cruel. Tegan had known Lucan’s elder brother well, had trusted him with his life more than once on the field. They’d fought side by side in the Old Times, when the Breed was young and trouble with Rogues was commonplace. Marek had been one of the original members of the Order, but he’d always been the renegade. He balked at his younger brother’s command—Lucan was founder of the warrior class and a natural-born leader, two things Marek seemed unable to accept. Impatience and arrogance were Marek’s strongest traits, and the two things that prevented him from getting the respect he felt he deserved.

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