At the same time the deathly blast of magick hit the structure, the Book of Bindings flashed in another blinding display of power. Deaf and blind, Niall hurtled backward. He expected to hit things. Painfully. Bloodily. Bone-breakingly. But nothing stopped his dark, quiet fall into nothingness. Were the rest of them experiencing this strange plummeting sensation? Was this what death was like? Would he meet Elizabeth in the Netherworld, or had she escaped her fall from the apartment’s deck? Maybe in the Netherworld they could finally be together—there would be no bosca fadbh between them, no hard decisions, no putting anything before each other and their love. Niall got no answers. He only continued to plummet. LIGHT flashed just as the building exploded. Gideon’s heartbeat stuttered for a moment as he considered he may have been too late. Too late. He’d been too late eliminating Brother Maddoc. Too late discovering Emmaline’s treachery. Too late with his phone call to stop Charlotte.
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