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Read Midnight Rescue (2012)

Midnight Rescue (2012)

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0451236580 (ISBN13: 9780451236586)
Signet Eclipse

Midnight Rescue (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Addicted! No really...I am already through the first three and I have two more until I will be waiting non so patiently for the next in the series to come.Abby and Kane...LOVED! From the start to the end...from first attack to falling in love...MIDNIGHT RESCUE is just sensational! The action kept me on my toes and the sexual chemistry had me curling my toes! You also get the chance to meet the secondary characters, who we see throughout the series, and if they didn't just have me cracking up...these are some seriously deadly mercenaries and assassins, and I was CRACKING up at their back and forth bickering, like brothers and sisters. I was completely enraptured by the relationship (or not so relationship) between Isabel and Trevor (who are H/h of book Three), and I can admit my heart broke a few times, especially at the end.Christy Reece fans will completely be sucked into this series! Elle Kennedy is making a name for herself among the Romance Suspense greats! I absolutely loved this book. It had all the elements that I look for, entertainment that starts right on the first page and holds you to the edge of your seat the entire time. Action, adventure, romance, and characters it's easy to love. It also has strong secondary characters and team players. I picked this one up because I came across a copy of Midnight Pursuits and LOVED it, so much that I had to back up and start the series from the start. I was not disappointed, I've loved both books in the series (although this is the first of the series), and I am currently reading the second one. I plan to read them all, until I get back to Midnight Pursuits (#4) which I will re-read before anxiously awaiting book 5 (Jim Morgan's story) like everyone else.This book is about Jim Morgan's team of mercenaries that specialize in rescues/extractions. They are sent in to recover an assassin (Abby), who convinces Kane (Jim Morgan's second in command) that they should continue with a rescue mission she set out on. She had allowed herself to be captured in order to save some girls from human trafficing and wasn't all that pleased that Morgan's team "rescued" her. Once she convinces Kane, and then the team to take on her mission, the romance ensues. Abby is a very damaged woman with a past that lends itself well to the isolated work of an undercover assassin. It is difficult for her to enter a relationship, but the author has really worked out an ideal pair here. It is easy to pull for these two, and very satisfying in the end. The introductions to the rest of the team are amazing, these are all strong characters and I can't wait to see each of them get their own story. So off to the next one ... Midnight Alias. Thank you Elle Kennedy!!

What do You think about Midnight Rescue (2012)?

not my kind of book, i couldn't get into it. great plot line though

dnf at 39%just wasnt gripped by this and couldnt get into it....

Very good action and great suspense.

Great read.

3.5 stars

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