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Read One Night Of Scandal (2014)

One Night of Scandal (2014)

Online Book

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1633750795 (ISBN13: 9781633750791)
Entangled: Brazen

One Night Of Scandal (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Reed and Darcy rouse of a fling was fun. The thing is proving he could be more to her was more about proving his worth to himself. Having the stand up guy gene was challenged when his one strong input into the businees could have cost him and his friends everything. This was a nice book about self confidence and giving someone a true chance instead of holding back because of their past. Darcy learned books are not always like their cover and Reed learned that true friendship doesn't pass judgment but lend a helping hand not fist. WOW! I was expecting a good story after One Night of Sin, but this was better then good. I was hooked from the start. I love Elle's writing style and the way her characters develop. The story line was great. ***SPOILERS***Darcy is the newly ex girlfriend of AJ, Reed's best friend. Reed knows it is wrong to want her, but he has for months. He fights with himself over the morality of the situation. AJ surprises him when he gives his blessing. Now all he has to do is convince Darcy that he is relationship material.Darcy wants passion. Something that has been lacking in her previous relationships. Reed can give that to her. But she is convinced he is a player. So she decides that they can only have a fling. Can Darcy open her heart and see that Reed is her happily ever after? Can't wait for the next one!

What do You think about One Night Of Scandal (2014)?

same as book #1 - although I have never seen that scenario of bf and exgf dating as well as AJ did

(99 cents e-book via Kindle)

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