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Read Miracle (2006)

Miracle (2006)

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0440240778 (ISBN13: 9780440240778)

Miracle (2006) - Plot & Excerpts

Miracle, buku karangan Danielle Steel yang baru tamat tadi pagi aku bacanya. Seperti biasa tokoh tokoh yang digambarkan Danielle Steel adalah pria dan wanita berumur sekitar 40 hingga 60an......A story to make you laugh, cry and care..........begitu ditulis disampul bukunya. Cerita yang cukup menyentuh dan mengaduk ngaduk perasaan kemudian diakhiri dengan happy ending seperti buku buku Danielle Steel lainnya, yang membuat lega hati setelah perasaan mengharu biru membaca alur kata dan cerita yang menyentuh.Kali ini Danielle Steel bercerita tentang duren maksutna duda keren who had made a vast fortune. And he loved sailing very much fact he liked the challenge of hard sailing, rough seas, and the occasional storm.Quinn Thomson, merasa feel guilty dan tertekan setelah kematian istrinya karena selama perkawinan nya dia sudah mengabaikan istri dan kedua anaknya dengan kesibukan mebangun empire bussinessnya. Perasaan bersalah bertambah tambah setelah membaca kumpulan puisi cinta nan indah untuk dirinya yang ditulis oleh istri yang sangat mengagumi dan mencintainya.Ketika memasuki usia pensiunnya, selain istrinya meninggal dunia anak perempuannya yang sudah berkeluarga pun stay away from him karena merasa selama ini ayahnya tidak pernah memperhatikan nya dan tidak memberitahukan penyakit ibunya lebih awal. Dan anak laki nya pun sudah meninggal jauh sebelum istrinya meninggal dalam suatu kecelakaan sail boat.New year's Eve- and the storm of the century hits California. What hppens in the storm's wake will deeply affect three people: Quinn Thompson, who has built a barrier around himself since his wife's death; his neighbour Maggie Dartman, still grieving a terrible loss; and jack Adams, a carpenter who will repair Quinn's and maggie's homes and who hides a painful secret.Cerita tentang ketiga tokoh, Quinn Thomson, Maggie Dartman dan Jack Adams yang mempunyai masa lalu yang membebani hidup mereka masing2 yang kemudian membangun persabatan dengan menghabiskan waktu setiap Jumat malam sambil dinner bersama bertiga.Jack Adam, seorang carpenter yang buta huruf *haree gene ternyata masih ada satu dua di amrik yang buta huruf* yang masa kecilnya dihabis di rumah yatim piatu dan sejak umur 10th sudah tertarik dengan pekerjaan pertukangan sehingga dia enggan pergi kesekolah, diajari membaca oleh Quinn Thomson setiap hari setelah menyelesaikan pek pertukangannya di rumah duda yang kaya raya itu dan berhasil bisa membaca dan akhirnya melanjutkan sekolah kembali di umurnya yang sudah 34th.Mulanya Quinn Thomson tidak berminat dengan ide Jack Adam untuk menjalin hubungan persahabatan apalagi hubungan percintaan dengan Maggie Dartman, tetangga nya wanita berusia 40an yang baru saja ditinggal oleh anak yang bunuh diri dan suami menyalahkan kematian anaknya yang bunuh diri dan menceraikannya. Walau mudah ditebak pertemuan yang di bangun bagai pertemuan tiga bersaudara setiap jumat malam akhirnya menibulkan rasa cinta antara Quinn Thomson yang berumur 60an dan Maggie Dartman yang berusia 40anTetapi konflik bathin terjadi karena rasa bersalah yang mendalam yang ada dalam diri Quinn Thomson terhadap Jane, istri yang sudah meninggal dan keinginannya untuk to sail around the world dengan Yacht yang sudah dibeli dan baru akan selesai beberapa bulan kemudian dan sudah menjual rumahnya sehingga kapal dan di laut lah rumah tempat tinggalnya nanti. Beberapa bulan kemudian yach milik Quinn Thomson yang dibeli nya di Belanda sudah siap untuk di gunakan dan Quinn memulai hidupnya dengan mengarungi laut dengan yach mewahnya sebagai penggati rumah baginya..............nah dimana happy endingnya ............baca dunk kelanjutannya.........or terka hayooowhat i learned from this book ternyata masih ada satu dua orang yang buta huruf di Amerika sana.

It is a nice story by Danielle steel . A little bit slow but it is ok .I just can't understand why she choose " Miracle " as a title . I can't find any miracle here .. It is not a great story but I loved a lot of parts of it and I will post some of them here ... " I don't belong here anymore. I don't belong anywhere. My roots are gone… like our trees that fell last winter.… I've fallen, and I'm drifting out to sea " " I can't be other than I am… even if I wanted to… the message would be I love you, but I have to be free…if not, I'll die… like a fish out of the ocean, gasping for air….I need the ocean and the sky "“Maybe the green flash you're looking for is within you. Maybe you don't need to run as far as you think.” " It was about acceptance and surrender, and loving someone enough to let them go forever. That had been the green flash for her " " It was in standing still that one found the truth, not in running "“I'm a man with no past and no future, all I have is the present to give you. My past is worthless, my future doesn't exist yet, and probably never will, not with you. All I can give you is this moment, right now, before I leave. Is that enough for you, Maggie?”"Heinous crimes are committed in the name of love, like holy wars. There's nothing worse."

What do You think about Miracle (2006)?

I used to read all of Danielle Steel's books and then I got burned out on them as they are all basically the same story line just different character names and places. However, after several years of avoiding them I decided to read this book when I picked it up at a sale for 50 cents. It turned out to be pretty good. Although it was the same type of story that Steel is known for writing, (a wealthy couple, relationship gone wrong or ended by death, sex without marriage, you know...), I did like the side story about a man who couldn't read and a friend teaching him how. If you love Danielle Steel, then this book is for you!

I read this for RA purposes and while it's not my thing I suppose I can understand why folks like DS so well. I find her writing sentimental and maudlin.Merged review:I read this for RA purposes and while it's not my thing I suppose I can understand why folks like DS so well. This book was like a daydream that you might have for yourself. I personally find her writing sentimental and maudlin. I enjoyed the first 2/3 of the book but the last 1/3 left me feeling like an annoyed teenaged girl- I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes at all of the terrible, terrible cliche.

another rather predictable story. but what saved this from complete mediocrity is the developing bromance between quinn and jack, which takes place early on in the book. a bromantic love triangle between quinn, jack and maggie would have sweetened the deal, but hey, it's a hetero romance novel so i guess that's just one of the limitations of the genre. although i really don't think any so-called "straight" man would ever name his boat "vol de nuit" after a novel by antoine de saint-exupery. that cracked me up every time the narrator mentioned it.

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