What do You think about Miss Marple's Final Cases (2015)?
Buku ini cenderung lebih tipis dibanding dengan buku Agatha yang pernah aku baca lainnya. Serupa dengan buku Tiga Belas Kasus, di buku ini juga menceritakan tantang mini kasus yang dipecahkan oleh Miss Marple. Hanya saja kasus yang diceritakan tidaklah detail dan cenderung amat singkat. Meskipun begitu, tidak juga bisa dipungkiri bahwa ketajaman insting dan pikiran Miss Marple tetap terlihat. Begitu mudahnya bagi Miss Marple dalam menganalisis kasus meski dengan petunjuk yang minim. Kurangnya adalah, dua kasus terakhir dari delapan kasus yang diceritakan dalam buku ini sama sekali tidak melibatkan Miss Marple. Sempat membuat kecewa, memang. Apalagi kasus Boneka Si Penjahit, ending ceritanya tak memuaskan. Kukira akan ada alasan logis mengenai aktivitas boneka beludru itu, nyatanya? Tidak. Dari kasus di dalam buku ini, aku lebih menyukai yang berjudul “Miss Marple Bercerita”. Karena selain sudut pandang ceritanya dari Miss Marple langsung, kasus ini juga terlihat cukup kompleks dan menunjukkan salah satu sifat dasar manusia. Hey, jika kita sibuk dengan urusan kita, kadang kita mengabaikan detail yang ada di sekeliling kita. Seperti Mr Patherick, hanya baju pelayan kamar saja yang dia lihat, bukan orangnya. Overall, good book. :)
—Indah Nurkomala
In (Very) Short:+ collection of short stories+ short, sweet, and entertaining read+ two extra mystery stories in addition to Miss Marple's cases+ typical ChristieMy Opinion:I would like to read all Poirot and Miss Marple mysteries at on point and in only three books I will have finished with Christie's Marple mysteries.In The Final Cases are a collection of short stories centering around the amateur sleuth Jane Marple. In addition to those stories two non-Marple mysteries were published in this collection.Again Christies short stories are an entertaining, short lived and sweat read but I personally prefer the novels. Her presence was often just short and the stories seem rather pressed into the small amount of space inherent to a short story.But again the stories itself are good. The novels are just my personal preference.Bottom Line:A light, easy and short lived, her short stories are great for late night reads and are quick fix for my whodunnit crime story addiction.
More like “This reviewer’s final decision to never read Agatha Christie again”. At the end of her life, Agatha Christie agreed to publish the remaining Miss Marple short stories which hadn’t yet been put into book format.There’s a reason they hadn’t yet been put into book format. These are indicative of Christie at her short story laziest, and Miss Marple – a character who is often “magically” intuitive in her understanding – here is just a plot device to reveal answers no one could ever have known. The two final stories – 'The Dressmaker’s Doll' and 'In A Glass Darkly' - are equally forgettable tales of the supernatural. There are some dynamite Marple stories, but they’re all in the other book.[US Readers will find these stories scattered throughout "Three Blind Mice", "Double Sin" and "The Regatta Mystery", with some reprinted in "Thirteen Cases for Miss Marple"]Marple ranking: 14th out of 14