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Misterioso (2003)

Online Book

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3492239927 (ISBN13: 9783492239929)
piper taschenbuch

Misterioso (2003) - Plot & Excerpts

Дами и господа, моля запознайте се с най-слабата книга, която някога съм чел. Безумно безумна, а аз глупости съм чел много - Сиромахов, Куелю, "Кралят в жълто", Нюансите сиво...Но това определено е първият том, който ще накъсам на малки парченца за тоалетната на Гад (котарака ми).А преди да обърнем внимание на голямото лайно (самият роман) нека обърнем внимание на по-малкото, а именно - самото изпълнение.Издадената от никому неизвестното издателство Enthusiast (отговорни и за комунистическия секс на Фучеджиева, и други такива изцепки) книга е отпечатана на изключително нискокачествена хартия, прелива от правописни и пунктоационни грешки, а някой от бележките под линия ме карат да плача за общата култура на така наречените преводач и редактор. Тъй де - Носферату - зъл дух от легендите. Please?По неизвестна за мен причина, заглавието е с малка буква.мистериозо. Изданията на други езици не са с малка буква. Това е, може би, защото на корицата не е останало много място от огромния надпис "Криминале номер едно на годината!". Проверих много старателно в интернет, книгата никога не е била номер едно по нищо, никъде, а бидейки издадена в оригинал през вече далечната 1999-та, не знам и за коя година говорим...Толкова за малкото ако (изпълнението), да преминем към главното лайно в кенефа тази вечер, а именно - романа!По-наивна, скучна, лишена от действие, преизпълнена с клишета и лишена от смисъл кримка дори аз не бих могъл да напиша. Героите са скучни, антипатични и взаимнозаменими. Обстановката е, ами, нещата се случват някъде(в Швеция) без това да има каквото и да е влияние над фабулата.Езикът е беден, груб, дори най-възвишените умствени диарии на автора звучат като нещо измучано от кроманьонец на име Гог (това може и да се дължи на слаб превод от шведски де, нямам представа). Като говорим за умствени диарии, набедения за писател викинг се опитва да хитрее и да развива психологически и икономически теории със същия успех, с който аз се опитвам да пея на караоке - нормалните и трезви хора в заведението бягат, като се случи.Малък плюс е, че историята е толкова заплетена, та наистина остава загадка до края - но вече ти е толкова писнало от скука, та не ти пука.Като бонус, който почти ме накара да изпитам симпатия към книгата (по начина по който изпитвам симпатии към деца със забавено умствено развитие) е следната сценка:Говорим си, нали, за спец отряд в Шведската полиция, сформиран от бест ъф дъ бест ченгета, с високи правомощия и голям бюджет.Но някак си, за да разберат че дадена водка, продавана като "Абсолют" е всъщност - естонско менте (много е важно за историята това!) те се налага да накарат срещнат в парка алкохолик да я тества на вкус - те ти съвременна полицейщина, Пенке ле!Въпреки че в книгата има 4-ри убийства и споменаване на педофилски актове, цената и от 15 лева е най-непростимото престъпление.Това е.НЕ СИ КУПУВАЙТЕ ТАЗИ КНИГА!УДУШЕТЕ С ЧЕРВАТА МУ ТОЗИ, КОЙТО ВИ Я ПРЕПОРЪЧА.*краен съм, книгата има два плюса :1/Един от супер полицаите, чилиец (в Швеция) влиза в гръцки ресторант и яде мусака. Мусаката е хубаво нещо.2/Книгата ми я подариха. Така Гад се сдобива с безплатна тоалетна.Ебаси началото на читателската ми 2015-та година.Отивам да драйфам и да поема доза руска фантастика за пречистване.

Misterioso by Arne Dahl is a unique and wonderful book. It is part mystery, part police procedural, part existential philosophy and part comedy. There is something so distinctive about this book that it resists categorization. On the surface, it is a mystery but so much of the novel lies below the surface, getting into the characters' minds and thoughts as they live their lives and work at trying to catch a serial killer.The title of the book comes from a piece of music composed by Thelonius Monk, a famous American jazz pianist and composer, now deceased. There is a serial killer on the loose in Sweden who is killing very rich and powerful men. The killer waits for his prey in the victim's living room listening to Monk's Misterioso on the stereo and when the victim arrives he is shot in the head two times. The killer views the music as "a pantomime, a peculiar dance of death." The Swedish police put together what they call an A-Team to find this killer.Paul Hjelm is one of those chosen for this select group. It is ironic for him as on the afternoon he was picked, he expected to be fired. He was with his colleagues that morning and there was a hostage situation in a building near police headquarters. An Estonian immigrant, here illegally, was holding a group of people in the immigration office hostage. Paul decides to take matters into his own hands and he goes into the office and shoots the man holding others hostage. Paul feels very badly about doing this and expects Internal Affairs to fire him for his impulsive action. He acted on his own without waiting for back-up. Instead of being fired, he becomes a national hero.The group gathered to form the A-Team is very original. There is a singer - a man who used to be Mr. Sweden when he took steroids; there is a Chilean who is called black-head because he is not blonde like most Swedes; there is a woman who also sings and likes to masturbate in her office; there is a Finn who has a secrets from his past life prior to coming to Sweden; there is a pedantic idealist who loves to give his political views. The reader sees how the team interacts and gets to know one another. Hultin, the team leader, always enters the room through a mysterious door that no one knows about. Where it comes from and where it leads to is a mystery.As the team works together, there are four victims dead. The A-Team checks out all kinds of leads including the Russian and Estonian mafia, the victims' businesses and personal lives, and they find out a lot of information. One of the victims is a pedophile, together the three of them tried to rape a woman who later committed suicide, and some of their businesses are involved in mafia corruption. "An amphetamine-babbling proprietor of a video store with private viewing booths in Norrmalm had cheerfully offered them some child porn films with Russian subtitles, even though they had shown him their police ID. He was arrested."Paul is in the midst of a marital crisis, an existential aloneness where he and his wife of many years, Cilla, can no longer communicate and find themselves totally separate. Paul has this "dreadful, unbearable feeling that we can never really reach anyone else. Never ever, not even those closest to us. The horrifying sensation of absolute existential aloneness. And now he saw this same emotion in Cilla's eyes."We learn about the Palme murder that is a huge deal in Sweden. It is mentioned several times in this novel. Olof Palme, the Prime Minister of Sweden, was assassinated in 1986 and the murderer was never found. The A-Group does not want to be seen as ineffective like the investigation of the Palme murder turned out to be. It is very much in the back of their minds as they search for the serial killer. When they do not have luck finding the murderer after a month "either they were doing something fundamentally wrong, or else they were dealing with another Palme murder."We also learn about the prevalence of xenophobia in Sweden. The term black-head refers to anyone who doesn't have blond hair as do most of the Swedes. There is a great deal of prejudice against immigrants and looking like a Swede is considered very important."The more they got to know each other, the harder it becames to understand each other. As always." This background of existential ennui reminded me of Sartre and Camus, especially Sartre's book Nausea. Paul becomes obsessed with a mark on his cheek, most likely a common pimple. However, he worries it's melanoma and the mark takes on different shapes depending on his mood and the different crises he is facing.Much of the dialog is tongue in cheek and I found myself laughing at the oddest moments. Tiina Nunnally did a wonderful job of translation and the book flows throughout. There is not a dull moment. It seems like the Scandinavians are having a true renaissance in crime writing and Arne Dahl is right at the top.

What do You think about Misterioso (2003)?

Really disgusting scene in the first chapter (not gruesome just gross) that had nothing to do with any investigation: (view spoiler)[The detective wakes up with a morning erection and tries to get some from his wife but she fakes being sleep and moves away from him. He gets closer and she continues moving but then falls from the bed. Then she puts her hand inside her underwear and brings up a pad full of blood. At the same time their son shows up in the bedroom (I guess they sleep with the bedroom door open?) and watches the whole tableau with horrified eyes. (hide spoiler)]

Скучна. Привлече ме идеята, че убиецът слуша джаз парче по време на всяко едно от убийствата, но се оказа далеч по-безинтересна отколкото очаквах. Елементите от личния живот на Йелм не ми бяха по сърце; беше ми трудно да следя какво е развитието на самата мистерия при положение, че през по-голямата част от повествованието се разпределяха задачи между членовете на Отряд-А. На моменти стилът ми се стори малко тежък и помпозен, което може би произлиза от факта, че е първа книга от поредица, но не мисля да чета следващите. Не препоръчвам, особено, ако искате да прочетете нещо, което да ви държи в напрежение.

This is a police proceedural crime novel. The story is about a special team that is assembled to find out who is killing prominent businessmen in Sweden. I enjoyed the beginning & ending of the story, but found the middle just too dry. The crime team spent quite a bit of time examining each of victims' connections to each other through their corporations, subsidiaries & holding companies, along with the boards they sat on, and on their potential connections to the Russian &Estonian mafia.The numerous characters, corporations & how they they were all connected was a little confusing. I stopped reading for a couple of days because I just found the going too slow at the half way point. Although the story dragged at this point, there was some humour sprinkled throughout which encouraged me to finish the book. Not sure if I'll read any more of this series but I will look for the dvd of the tv series :-)

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