Whether or not the makeshift protection offered by his handkerchief would be enough he wasn’t sure and, still aware of how painful the last shock had been, he didn’t particularly want to repeat the experience but he realised he had little choice. He had to ensure that the lifts were working correctly. How stupid would he look if his buyers turned up and all the lifts in the building were defective in some way? Still he hesitated, glancing around the foyer once more as if help would magically appear. The CCTV camera that had watched his every move since he entered the foyer was still trained on him and Tyler was beginning to wonder if it might be best for him to just signal to the operator and get some kind of help here. It would at least, he reasoned, save him getting another electric shock. Irritated with himself for his own indecision he pulled the handkerchief more tightly around his index finger ensuring that the material was bunched up as thickly as possible.