Now at the age of twenty-one and still being single, I knew that my crush was a lot more than that. I felt jealousy whenever I saw some guy paying attention to her, and although I realized it was an irrational feeling I couldn't help myself. Until this day though when she'd returned from the Doctor's surgery, I never thought I would actually do anything about it, at least not in the physical sense. "What's the verdict mom?" I said, as she walked into the kitchen. "It's been confirmed, I have Narcolepsy. Before you ask it's a sleep disorder or rather as the Doctor put it a sleep paralysis," she replied, sitting heavily on the kitchen stool. "So what does it mean? I mean how will it affect your every day life?" I asked feeling genuinely concerned. "It can be brought on by several means, such as laughter or over stimulation. The thing is I have no control over it, when it hits I will fall asleep and not even be aware of it. I can no longer drive for one thing, so that will probably hit us harder than anything else.