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Read Mr. Commitment (2002)

Mr. Commitment (2002)

Online Book

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0767906543 (ISBN13: 9780767906548)

Mr. Commitment (2002) - Plot & Excerpts

Konon, Gabrielle Zevin pernah bilang, “Sometimes books don't find us until the right time.”Saya tahu keberadaan buku ini sejak beberapa tahun lalu, tapi baru ada niatan beli Senin lalu saat melihatnya di tumpukan diskonan. Karena sedang ingin bacaan ringan, maka dari banyak tumpukan (kurang lebih 150 buku) yang belum terbaca, saya memilih buku ini.Mungkin, kalau saya membaca buku ini setahun atau bahkan tiga bulan lalu, buku ini tidak akan melewati tiga bintang. Tapi, ya merujuk kembali ke ucapak Gabrielle Zevin, “Sometimes books don't find us until the right time.” Buku ini "menemukan" saya di saat yang tepat dan saya begitu terpukau karenanya. Di luar persoalan sentimental dan personal yang mendasari pemberian bintang pada buku ini, buku ini pada dasarnya enak dibaca jika dibandingkan dengan karya Mike Gayle berjudul "My Legendary Girlfriend." Saya suka tokoh-tokohnya. Meskipun Duffy memang bisa dianggap cukup payah sebagai lelaki, paling tidak dia punya prinsip yang ia pegang kuat. Dialog-dialognya cukup lucu dan menghibur. Dan yaaa semuanya berakhir dengan bahagia. It's a good thing since most books I've read recently have a tragic or sad ending. Ga sia-sia deh ini jadi bacaan pertama di 2015 (dengan harapan happy ending juga di tahun ini) :D

I really like reading chick-lit and this time round I went for the male version of it. I'm pretty sure it isn't called bloke-lit, but as far as the content and fun goes it really is chick-lit from a male perspective.Mike Gayle offers both male and female readers a fantastic read which, even more so, is very insightful (from the female perspective) and more than just a little laughter inducing without going over the top. While I heard that his first novel My Legendary Girlfriend is apparently his best book (I haven't read it yet, though), I must say that this is probably a worthy successor.So, girl wants to finally see a ring on her finger, but boy is too scared to commit, because their life works perfectly just the way it is. Oh the wonders and workings of the male psyche. A marvelous and honest read, you can almost believe the characters are real, because the whole story has a real life feel to it. Well done.In short: A wonderfully funny and touching piece of male chick-lit!

What do You think about Mr. Commitment (2002)?

Comedian Mike Duffy has been with his girlfriend, Mel for 4 years and counting. While Mel is ready to take their relationship to another level, Duffy sees nothing wrong with leaving things as is.This is the first time that I have read a British "chick-lit" novel not only written by a man but starring a hero instead of a heroine, and I must say Cheers to Mike Gayle!After Mel proposes to Duffy, he says yes. But even still, she knows deep down that he doesn't want to get married. So she gives him an ultimatum - unless he can commit to her as a husband and not just a boyfriend, then there is no chance in them getting back together. Duffy thinks he can handle it - maybe even change Mel's mind and convince her that things are fine the way that they are. Time moves forward, and Mel is the first one to start seeing someone else - this has Duffy sick. He obsesses over this situation and slowly but surely he begins to realize how in love with Mel he is... But is it too late? Has Mel already closed her heart towards him? You'll have to read to find out. I will tell you that I was a bit surprised at the end. Gayle really had me going.This is a definite must read. A cute and hilarious story that also tugs at your heart.

Though I am a huge fan of Mike Gayle and absolutly adore everything he writes, this one was just not my cup of tea.Mike Gayle is always my way into the male brain. He gives chick-lit a whole new dimension by showing us woman how men react and think. I even tested it a few times on my husband and multiple times he reacted like the characters in the book. Its like chick-lit, but a little deeper and more "real life". Where most of the chick-lit novels seem to have a happy ending with princes on white horses coming around the corner. Mike writes about real life. There isn't always an happy ending, although in Mister Commitment there is for this one time. Still this book was a disappointment to me. It was not bad and it still beats most of the chick-lits I read in the past, but it was lacking the items I so love in mikes writing. Mr. Commitment feels like he has not thought the book through. If this is the first book you read by Mike Gayle please don't be put of and still give the others a chance!

I simply had to read this as it was my down-fall of Brit-Chick-Lit but with a twist... written by a guy, about a guy. (lad-lit, perhaps?)I was not disappointed as I was quickly suckered in this world that Gayle created, populated with all this different males at different points in their lives. I know I chuckled in my head during this read more than most and I was more than ok with that. I even looked for more of Gayle's books but my small town was rather limited into what it ordered and stocked the library with. But now that he is back in the forefront of my mind, perhaps a trip over to Amazon can help with this.

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