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Read Mr. Darcy Forever

Mr. Darcy Forever

Online Book

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Mr. Darcy Forever - Plot & Excerpts

‘Are we wearing our dresses again today?’ Shelley asked.
    ‘Of course!’ Mia said. ‘I’ve been looking forward to wearing mine all year. I can’t very well wear it in London, can I?’ ‘Imagine the looks you’d get on the tube!’ Shelley said.
Mia collected the breakfast dishes and piled them into a bowl of hot soapy water. ‘Your neighbour’s out,’ Mia said casually.
Shelley got up from her chair to look. ‘Oh, just look at the poor lamb.’ Mia looked up from her soapy water and saw the rather pathetic sight of a man with a sling trying to hang a basket of washing out on the line.
    ‘Do go and help him, Mia!’ ‘Why don’t you go?’ ‘Because I’m doing the dishes,’ she said, suddenly pushing Mia out of the way.
Mia rolled her eyes. ‘You are the most unsubtle of match-makers,’ she said. ‘I’ve told you, I’m not interested in men at the moment.’ ‘Yeah, yeah. What is it Mrs Smith said in Persuasion? “Every man is refused - till he offers.”’ ‘But how am I even meant to help him?

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