Sue Has No Clue! 1Five Thousand Dollars! My name is A.J. and I hate dead fish. Live fish are okay, but I don’t like the dead ones. We just finished pledging the allegiance in Mr. Granite’s class when our principal, Mr. Klutz, came in. He has no hair at all. I mean none. But you wouldn’t know it, because he was wearing a baseball cap on his head.* On the front of his cap was the word HATS. That was weird. He was only wearing one hat. “Why does your hat say ‘HATS’ on it?” asked my friend Michael, who never ties his shoes. “Yeah, Mr. Klutz, do you label all your stuff?” asked Ryan, who will eat anything, even stuff that isn’t food. It would be weird to have a lamp with a sign on it that said LAMP. Or a table with a sign on it that said TABLE. Some stuff you don’t need to name. “HATS stands for Helping All to Succeed,” Mr. Klutz told us. “That’s what we try to do every day at Ella Mentry School.” Mr. Klutz doesn’t come into our classroom very often. I figured he must have something really important to say.
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