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Read Murder In Havana (2001)

Murder in Havana (2001)

Online Book

3.49 of 5 Votes: 5
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0739420046 (ISBN13: 9780739420041)
random house

Murder In Havana (2001) - Plot & Excerpts

Max Pauling is an ex-CIA agent who is hired to fly medical supplies into Havana Cuba. When a German national employee of the local medical research firm is murdered, Max is arrested because he was with the man the night he was killed. Then a member of a US Congressional team is killed and Max is wanted for that killing too. When someone attempts to kill Fidel Castro at his birthday celebration, Max knocks the gun away from the assailant but is wanted for the attempted murder of the leader. This was a good book but not my favorite in the Capital Crimes series. I enjoy the Mac and Annie Smith series but they play a minimal part in this story. The characters were well written and the descriptions of Havana life and historical background was interesting but the story got a bit muddled. It was very hard to discern which were the bad guys and which were the good guys.

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