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Read Murder In Steeple Martin

Murder in Steeple Martin

Online Book

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Accent Press Ltd

Murder In Steeple Martin - Plot & Excerpts

He looked drawn and somehow older. She pinned on a determined smile and waved.
‘Hi,’ he said coming to a halt outside the door.
‘How are you?’ asked Libby, reaching up to kiss his cheek.
He tried to smile. ‘Oh, OK, you know. Supposed to be meeting Pete. He’s been to see Mum.’ ‘I know, I was going to go with him, but he was too early for me. Is he coming here? Shall we go in and beg a coffee from Harry?’ James nodded and knocked on the window. Harry appeared, resplendent in his favourite leather trousers and pink shirt, covered with a long cook’s apron.
‘Come in, dear hearts,’ he said. ‘Pete phoned and said he’ll be along in a minute. He didn’t say you were coming, though, Lib.’ ‘He knows.’ Libby sat down at her favourite table in the window.
‘Council of war, is it?’ Harry swept aside a newspaper and straightened the cruet.
James just shook his head and collapsed into the chair opposite Libby’s. Harry frowned, sighed, and whisked off towards the kitchen.

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