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Read Murder Out Of Tune - A Libby Sarjeant Murder Mystery

Murder Out of Tune - A Libby Sarjeant Murder Mystery

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Accent Press

Murder Out Of Tune - A Libby Sarjeant Murder Mystery - Plot & Excerpts

It was obviously a delaying technique. Fran got up and collected the mug.
    ‘Anybody else?’ Sandra and Libby shook their heads.
    They sat in silence until Fran reappeared with a fresh mug of tea and handed it to Denise.
    ‘Now,’ she said. ‘You were worried enough to tell Sandra and to let her bring you here. So tell us what the problem is.’ Denise sighed. ‘I overheard some phone calls.’ ‘Do you know who they were from?’ prompted Libby, when Denise seemed once more to have come to a stop.
    ‘No. I only heard what Vernon said.’ ‘And what was that?’ asked Fran, controlling her impatience better than Libby.
    ‘It just sounded as if he was being threatened.’ ‘How?’ Libby asked. ‘For goodness’ sake, Denise – I’m really sorry you’ve lost your husband, and I know you’re upset, but you must try and help us out here. What were his actual words and how many times did you hear these calls?’ Denise did an impression of a rabbit in headlights.

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