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Read Murder & The Monkey Band: High Desert Cozy Mystery Series

Murder & The Monkey Band: High Desert Cozy Mystery Series

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Murder & The Monkey Band: High Desert Cozy Mystery Series - Plot & Excerpts

For absolutely no reason whatsoever she had the fleeting thought, so you’ve come, I’ve been waiting for you. Huh?
What is this all about? What is going on? I feel like a teenager. I can barely look at him, he’s so gorgeous. It must have something to do with Laura’s psychic powers. I’ll get back at her later.
The big man said, “Hi, I’m Detective Jeff Combs with the Palm Springs Police Department. Which one of you is Marty?”
“That would be me,” she said in a strained voice. It was all she could do to get it out of her mouth.
She was completely flustered by him and hoped she didn’t faint or do something else equally unsophisticated.
“Well, Marty it’s nice to meet you. And this must be your sister, Laura. Would I be correct?”
“That you would,” Laura said. “Why don’t you sit down and join us? We were just finishing lunch. I’m sure Rosa has more makings for the Mexican Eggs Benedict and can poach some eggs quickly.”
“I’d love to join you, but I just ate lunch, however I would take a glass of iced tea,”

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