Mutation (Twenty-Five Percent Book 1) - Plot & Excerpts
Micah was applying duct tape to the empty frame of the window Alex had destroyed the night before. The steel table was back in the lab, looking a little the worse for wear, now listing to one side on a bent leg and with a gouge across the top. Hannah gave him a wave from inside the lab. Alex waved back. “Why didn’t you wake me?” he said to Micah. He shrugged. “I thought you could use the sleep, what with your table throwing efforts last night.” “You told me to smash something.” “I meant a few test tubes. Maybe a Bunsen burner.” He smiled. “It took three of us to get it back in there. That thing’s heavy. I’m surprised even you could throw it.” Now he looked at it in the cold light of day, so was Alex. “It was also bolted to the floor,” Micah continued. “You ripped the bolts right out of the concrete.” That surprised Alex even more. He gave a small chuckle. “I didn’t even notice.”
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