Frederick Grenville Whatever plans Charlotte thought to make were put on hold when Magnus went out to join the men patrolling the ranch, taking Tyler Morgan with him. Charlotte spent the remainder of the day tending to Sebastian, soothing his fears, cajoling him to eat a plate of leftover chicken tandoori, bathing him in the porcelain tub she’d had shipped across the ocean, holding him close in the rocking chair while she answered his questions about her encounter with three men who’d wanted him dead so that they might collect a fat purse. “I don’t want to leave the Zeppelin,” he murmured, his breath warm on her neck as he snuggled against her. “Neither do I,” she agreed, blinking back tears. “Where will we go?” Charlotte hesitated, wanting neither to lie to him nor to frighten him with the truth. “Timbuktu?” he asked around a yawn.