She was naked, perched on a stool high atop a table in the middle of the room, and trying her best not to move. Without warning, a school administrator burst into the room and called the professor out into the hallway. A couple of minutes later, the professor slipped back in, ghost-faced and shaken. “Okay, listen everyone,” he said. “I’ve got an announcement to make.” He choked up a little. “The United States,” he said with great authority, “has been attacked by China.” He went on: “New York City’s been completely destroyed. Washington, D.C., too.” A handful of students, apparently those from New York and D.C., began to sob and some fled out the door in hysterics. “Now, listen,” said the professor, his voice rising, “we can all stop what we’re doing and rush out of here and join the madness of the world … or we can stay right here for the next hour and a half and create art.” Half the class grabbed their packs and hurried out, but the other half stayed, and Maggie felt compelled to stay, too.
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