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Read My Little Phony (2010)

My Little Phony (2010)

Online Book

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0316084441 (ISBN13: 9780316084444)

My Little Phony (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

The novel, My Little Phony, by Lisi Harrison is a book from the Clique series. It involves Massie Block and the Pretty Committee in Westchester, New York. In this novel, Massie and Claire get into a brawl. Massie, being sneaky as always, lied to make all of Claire’s new friends leave her. Claire decided to get revenge by putting bed bugs from a pet store into Massie’s bed. From that point Massie’s life goes downhill. First, she kisses her crush Landon in front of his grandparents. Then, she comes home to find Claire’s surprise bugs in her bed. A few days later Massie’s parents fumigate the house and her parents leave the scene and go on a tropical vacation. She is forced to live with her current enemy, Claire, until her parents come back. In desperate need of clothes, Massie shops and ends up finding out that her credit card is denied. While already seeming to be at rock bottom, Massie snaps at her three friends and ends up losing them. To top it all off, when Massie’s parents return from their vacation, they break the news to her that they are broke. Massie fixes things with her crush, Landon, but she finds herself caught in a situation when her friends ask her about her money. Claire comes to the rescue by lying to cover up Massie’s secret of her family being broke. In the end, Claire and Massie become friends again and the brawl between them is over. The character I dislike the most is Massie. She is rude to everyone and she always ends up finding herself with no friends. While already being at rock bottom, she says to her close friend Kristen, “If you want to look like a girl, for Gawd’s sake, get some highlights and stop wearing sneakers!”(pg. 136) Massie says the meanest things to those who are closest to her. In this novel, Massie’s life takes a turn for the worst. As much as I want to feel bad for her, I couldn’t because she did it to herself. She has some good traits, like how she is good at planning things and she has good leadership, but for the most part she is too controlling and mean. After Massie scares away all of Claire’s new friends, Claire explains to her brother, “she gave you razor burn so my new friends would think you have lice and ditch me.”(pg. 45) Massie is a very intelligent but sneaky girl. She always thinks up master plans to ruin people’s lives. Although her ideas are brilliant, she uses them in evil ways. I love clique books, but I don’t love the main character, Massie. I really enjoyed reading the book, My Little Phony. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves girl drama. I think these books are very well written, and they always seem to make me laugh. I would not suggest this book to a boy because they most likely would not understand the girly humor. The books are so dramatic, but that’s why I love them. Lisi Harrison is a great author and I always enjoy reading her books. It's been many years since I have read one of these books, but decided since I have so many students back into them this year, and I hadn't finished the series, I should know what they're reading. Ugh. Why do middle school girls like these books? I get it, many have real-life situations with friends, boys, school, and family, but who can relate to middle schoolers who live in mansions, have their own credit cards, drivers, maids, and massage therapists? And I'm tired of Claire allowing herself to get stomped on by Massie over and over and over again. Where is the message on standing up for what you believe in?

What do You think about My Little Phony (2010)?

I have definitely outgrown these books. It took me practically a day to finish it.

Weird book series. Not very nice girls. Didn't really like it.:( :(. :(

Compared to the other ones I just wasn't as impressed.


i love this serries so much

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