We could see the glow of the blaze from the rise in the road, after the first Tom Nevers turn off. A sinuous length of smoke was rising from the fields beyond the cranberry bogs, dispersing against the high clear stars. It was almost two thirty in the morning. A full moon was casting a chalky light over the moors. We drove east on Milestone Road without talking. I didn’t want to say what I was thinking and I suspect Franny didn’t either. You could make the case that Billy was out on bail because I failed to inform Jack Tornovitch of the Delavane family’s financial status. If in fact he set off this bomb, then part of the blame would fall on me. It wasn’t much of a case, but it was a real concern. You don’t have to be found guilty to feel that way. Billy was the obvious suspect, running out of the house on the basis of that phantom “emergency phone call” from Debbie Garrison the previous afternoon. Billy had been heading for the golf course, according to Haden Krakauer.
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