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Read Nell Gwynne's On Land And At Sea

Nell Gwynne's On Land and At Sea

Online Book

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Subterranean Press

Nell Gwynne's On Land And At Sea - Plot & Excerpts

When were we at Lyme?” Lady Beatrice asked in surprise, for Mrs. Corvey was rather pronounced in her preference for Torbay.
“Oh, we never were. I lived there once,” said Mrs. Otley, and Lady Beatrice nodded discreetly, for it was well understood amongst the ladies that one never inquired directly about a sister whore’s past. They walked on a short way, emerging from the wood onto the cliff top, before Mrs. Otley continued: “My father was a scholar, you see, a collector of natural curiosities. Not, unfortunately, very wise in the ways of the world; after his death I learned the estate was entailed to a third cousin.”
“Yes. I had quite a good education, and so I went for a governess, as they say. Unfortunately I was rather unwise in the ways of the world myself, you know, and the usual thing happened.”
“I am so sorry to hear it.”
“My employer wanted nothing to do with the baby, of course, but I was able to put her out to nurse in the country. It was rather grim for the first two years, providing for her; but after I was recruited, of course, my situation so far improved that I was able to find her a convent school in France.”

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