Clever, fun, and really, really odd. A brooding, self-absorbed teenager named Bella Sw--I mean, Belle Goose--moves to a small gloomy town to live with her father for no...discernible...reason...and falls in love (sorta) with Edward--I mean, Edwart--whom she is convinced is a vampire. Unfortunately, Edwart is a little on the squeamish, weak-willed, and cowardly side...and he hahs a secret. A big big secret. If you've read Twilight (or even seen the movie) you'll be able to follow this parody just fine. While it is a decent criticism of the book, it becomes progressively more random and follows the book less and less until it is nearly unrecognizable at the end. Indeed, I gave this 3 stars because it got a little -too random near the end. However, it was a really entertaining little book, and the authors made a Durkheim reference, which won my heart! This book was a quick read and entertaining. This was my first exposure to The Harvard Lampoon, and they are quite skilled in a parody. The most accurate comparison of this book, is that it is the literary version of a parody movie, such as "Not Another Teen Movie." From the first page the details and premise were ridiculous (which accomplishes the task of a parody), yet despite the absurdity I found myself actually becoming engaged in the story and eager to turn the page to see what would happen next. My personal favorite aspect is the use of irony in the story. I don't want to give any spoilers, but anyone who has even a basic understanding of the "Twilight" movies/books will appreciate the use of opposite situations to create an engaging and ironic novel.
What do You think about Nightlight: A Parody (2009)?
Everything that makes Twilight garbage is what makes this parody hysterical. Loved it.
This book was so stupid that I'm not even going to bother rating it.
This book was so stupid and I loved it.