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Read No Foolin' (Willowdale Romance Novel)

No Foolin' (Willowdale Romance Novel)

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BelleBooks, Inc.

No Foolin' (Willowdale Romance Novel) - Plot & Excerpts

Mitch asked the doctor while squeezing Dina’s hand.
“Just Braxton-Hicks contractions. Nothing serious, but we don’t want it to progress to anything worse. She shouldn’t be on her feet too much.” The doctor looked directly at Dina. “You’re going to have to give up that waitressing job of yours.”
She felt her eyes pop open. “But I’m not due for six weeks. I need the money.”
“It’s for the sake of your baby.” The doctor scribbled on the chart. “I’m going to recommend bed rest until the baby comes. Do you have anyone who can take care of you?”
Dina’s mouth opened and closed as she considered the question, realizing that no, she didn’t have anyone who could give her that kind of care.
“She’s got me.” Mitch smiled down at her while Dina wiped a tear off her cheek.
“Good. We don’t want this baby coming early.”
HOW MANY PINA coladas did I have last night? Kate woke with a fuzzy feeling in her head and an even fuzzier feeling in her mouth. Her eyes opened to a bright, white room.

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