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Read O Escolhido (2012)

O Escolhido (2012)

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Lua de Papel

O Escolhido (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Review by ValerieBook provided by publisher for reviewThis book was an enjoyable read on a summer afternoon. It didn’t really pop or sizzle for me, but I also haven’t read the other three books in the series. When the two characters first meet, Argus is hiding behind a rosebush, buck naked. Instead of running like a prim and proper miss should, Lorelei is intrigued, and the adventure begins. The mystery as to why he appears in a garden is soon solved, yet the reason he was taken in the first place remains a problem the entire family tries to figure out.Throughout the story, I liked the way the characters interacted with each other and their respective families. Argus is pretty sure his family is more eccentric than hers, but then he actually meets Lorelei’s father and her numerous brothers and sisters and he’s not sure anymore. As both of them play cat and mouse and their attraction grows, everyone around them is aware that they are a good match. Lorelei comes to the conclusion that Argus is the “one” for her, but he insists that marriages are doomed for his family members and it’s for the best that they don’t even try. While she initially scoffs at his hesitancy, she soon realizes he’s very serious. Marriages in his family are doomed because of their “abilities” that are passed on to the next generation.How these two meet, fall in love, and finally solve their differences will put a smile on your face! I received a copy through a Goodreads giveaway.I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The abilities of the Wherlocke/Vaughn clan are intriguing. The characters, for all their differences, mesh well with one another and are well-written. I enjoyed the romance between Argus and Lorelei, as well as how the other characters work to try and help the two realize their destiny. There was a good balance of action, intrigue, and romance. I couldn't put the book down!

What do You think about O Escolhido (2012)?

Great story but left me wanting a whole lot more! I hope she will continue with this series.

if you love historical romances...try ms.howell. she rocks.

This book is so so, not HH best work for sure.

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